Sunday, January 21, 2007


Holly and I are both feeling better today than yesterday. Maybe it's the NyQuil? That stuff is powerful! I feel like I'm buzzing whenever I get up from the couch.

Anyway, we're both hungry and Addie is visiting Grammy, so I think we're going to go walk at the mall and eat at our favorite little Chinese place there in the food court. Their orange chicken is rivalled only by Panda Express, which we don't have here in Oklahoma for some poor reason.

Since Holly could go into labor any moment, we have to be ready despite feeling sick. No going days without shaving or fixing hair. And, Mom, you'd be proud, we're all wearing clean underwear here. Including me.


SES said...

thinking of you guys and praying for a smooth and speedy delivery. Love ya!

Allison Sangree said...

Hope you don't run out of clean underwear =)
Thinking of you and praying. Love you loads and so glad you're both starting to feel better.
Hang in there Hol! XXXXxx0OOOooXxx