We had a long weekend and decided to camp in at our place for the weekend to avoid the crazy drivers on the roads in their 4-wheel drive pickups and slick summer tires. =) With such little winter weather, people just don't think about preparing for bad weather down here, so it's always a state disaster. Literally. Our Governor declared a State emergency before it even started sleeting. Better quit now or I'll never stop.
Mom, we go the curtain in the guest room hung! How do you like it? We like it a lot. Thanks for all of your help with the decorating ideas! Got the wall-hanging hung as well, but I need to make some changes to it so it's not draping a few inches away from the wall. I guess the curtain-rod idea wasn't the best solution for it.
Addie was enjoying watching me get all bundled up to brave the cold every time our firewood stock ran low in the living room. After a day or two of everyone being couped up in the living room, she decided to dress up like me. You can hardly tell it's not me in these pictures.
And in the last picture, Holly is making a really delicious Chicken Piccata recipe. Oh, man, that was SO good. Please don't lose that recipe, hon. She even improvised, adding sun-dried tomatoes in addition to the capers it called for. (PSA: Capers are a plant blossom, not a fish!) We had it for lunch again today and it was just as good left over. It's easily one of my top 5 favorite dishes of all time. Oh, the picture... Yes, Holly needed a chicken tenderizer and I had just the thing for her. This 22-ounce Estwing framing hammer (recognize it, Sean and Dad?) has been neglected long enough. Time to bring it out and put it to work again! It did the trick nicely after a thorough scrubbing in the kitchen sink.
Well, the long weekend is over and it's back to work in 6-1/2 hours, so I'm going to hit the hay. Hopefully Addie sleeps better tonight than last night. We've already had her up a couple of times to put in eye drops and give cough medicine. I ran out for some Vicks vap-o-rub. We used this stuff all the time when we were kids. Holly had never heard of it, but I think she'll like it considering Addie hasn't coughed in the last 2 hours since we put it on her and put her back in bed. I guess there's a lot of good in those old childhood remedies. When the kids are sick, we'd be willing to try just about anything.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Amen to Vicks!! Used to use it all the time until my mom found something else similar called "Raleigh Salve". Try it on chapped lips! Love the expression on Addie's face in the close up!
What?! Vicks on your lips? That doesn't sound good... Or did you mean the "Raleigh Salve?"
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