Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Newborn Babies

Newborn babies smell so good! I can't decide if Storie smells like Tapioca pudding or like hot fudge. Actually, she smells like warm milk right now. It's amazing how they smell good for days without a bath.

Speaking of smell, it's very fortunate for most new dads that newborn poopy diapers don't smell bad, either. They just don't smell at all, which is a welcome releif from Addie's atomic diapers. =)

Went to the hospital again today. We need a Hospital fast-pass card, I think. Holly's legs weren't feeling right, so it wasn't actually a joking matter. Nothing appears to be wrong at this point and after coming home and spending a few hours in bed, her legs aren't feeling as bad as before. I think she was pushing herself too much considering she just had a baby.

And tonight, Danielle Hill brought over dinner for us. What a welcome gift! We met the Hills at Providence Fellowship, where we've been attending for the past few months. What a great group of believers God has gathered to meet together over there! I'm looking forward to getting to know a lot of the men there. They seem really genuine and real and open and many of them have been a huge encouragement to me already. It's been really cool to be able to meet them over lunch and coffee since so many of them live and work closer to us than the members of our previous church.

Well, I guess that's all for tonight. Gotta get some rest... Early morning chiropractor appointment. My back popped out somehow while Storie was being born and it's still not right.

1 comment:

Allison Sangree said...

Your back too? So sorry, I'll be praying for you as well. They say that some husbands actually feel their wife's labor pains, but maybe you feel the after effects =)