Tuesday, January 23, 2007

False Labor

Okay, so if any of you were up early enough to catch it, we posted that we were on our way to the hospital. Turns out it was false labor, due to dehydration. A couple of glasses of water later, the regular, strong contractions stopped altogether and we found ourselves sitting in the hotel... er, hospital room just twiddling our thumbs. So, we pulled out the computer and played a little online poker together (just play money, don't worry).

We're back at home now, and after naps, cleaning the house, getting a haircut, washing the car, etc., contractions seem to possibly be starting up again. Holly, intent on not going through another false labor, is drinking heavily. =) There's a really cool online contraction timer that we've been using that helps a lot.

Holly's still laughing about this morning. After bolting out of bed at 4AM, Hol decided she had time enough to take a bath so I hurriedly jumped in the shower. I was so intent on rushing that I ended up taking as much time as I normally do in the shower, because I soaped up twice in my haste. =)

Well, I may just jump in the shower again since I just got a haircut in our "down time" this afternoon. I was trying to stay out of the house so Hol could get a nap. Oh, I just filled up the Toyota and thought I'd take a picture for everyone else in the country to turn green over. I'm loving these gas prices!

And while I'm downloading the camera, I noticed one from back when we were snowed in. After a few days of being snowed in, I had to run out for a few staples that we had run out of. Here's a picture that we couldn't resist taking after I got back from the grocery.

We came down with colds, so we haven't even touched our stock, but we'll be ready once we're back to 100%. There's just something comforting coming home knowing that there's plenty of Dr. Pepper to go around. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Christian,
I'm checking in to see if you are checked in (at the hospital). I'm praying for you and Holly as I know how frustrating these last few days of a pregnancy can be. Hoping it's true labor this time - for all of your sakes.
Love you guys.