Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Baby Storie is here!

Praise the Lord for a healthy delivery! Baby Astoria Rose Sangree arrived at 1:08AM CST, measured 21 inches and weighed in at 7lbs 14oz. They say she looks like me: dark hair, my nose and a good set of lungs. =) We have some great pictures that we'll try to put up on the blog soon.

So grateful for your prayers!


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS HOLLY, CHRISTIAN, ADDIE & STORIE!! I have been out of the blog world for the last several days, but was glad to check in this morning and read all your exciting news! Glad for Holly's sake that it is all over! A NEW baby girl to love! So happy for you!

SES said...

congrats guys! wow, I now have more nieces than nephews...