Friday, January 26, 2007

Apple's New iPhone

This is a totally sweet phone! I just spent like 20 minutes watching Steve Jobs give a demo of it and it blows away anything else I've seen. For a long time I've advocated having separate peripherals (i.e. cell phone, PDA), but with constantly bulging jackets, it's become a pain. I've looked at a few Smartphones, but nothing comes close to the new iPhone (which hasn't actually been released yet). Check it out...

Click on the picture to go to Apple's site and see all the juicy details. This is definitely on my Christmas list for this June. =)


Anonymous said...

I definitely like pictures of Storie & Addie better! Guys & gadgets!

Anonymous said...

The iPhone is on my short list. I can't wait! The Newton has come a long way! Congrats on the new little one.