Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Looks like the baby will be arriving very soon! Hol's dilated to a "9" and the baby is at a "plus station" and she's "100% effaced." And if you understood all that, you're most likely not a single, heterosexual male.

I just posted on Addie's blog how much I love epidurals. I think I'm about as relieved as Holly is to see the anesthesiologist come in. There's nothing like that feeling of complete helplessness when your loved one is in pain and I'll do just about anything to avoid it.

Oh, after poking Holly's veins several times in each arm, we prayed and the very next poke struck gold. What a relief. We were waiting for that IV to start before they would do the epidural. So, there was just a little bit of tension in the room! Hol was a real trooper, though.

Check out the cute video I posted of Addie from last weekend when she was really sick. Her raspy voice and sleepy eyes are just SO cute. She even bats her eyelids a time or two. What a sweetheart.


Allison Sangree said...

Oh man, it's 2am and still have not heard anything more! How long does an epidural last anyway? Hope for Hol's sake longer than 3hrs! Loads of love & prayers! XXXXXXX

Anonymous said...

lol You sound like Jason. He believes he WAS more relieved than I was when I got the epidurals. The poor guy was a mess each time. :)