Monday, January 08, 2007

Old Age

You know, from one birthday to the next most people don't really feel older or notice differences. I saw some pretty significant differences this last birthday, though. Here are a few that come to mind:

My taste in cars has totally changed. Gone are the sports car days and here are the smooth-driving big car days. Well, medium-sized at least. Anything seems big compared to my last little 2-seater convertible. Every day I am SO grateful for cruise control, a really quiet cabin, automatic transmission, and automatic running lights.

I started listening to books on tape! Last year, I think I started 4 books and finished only 1. I've suddenly been hit with the realization that unless I continue to read and learn, I'm always going to be pretty much the same as I am now. I plan to make good use of my library card this year and from here on out. Audio books are such a great way to redeem the time spent driving around town. I've given up on Rush Limbaugh accomplishing anything and even the Christian radio station gets old after a while when you hear the same songs every day. I'm really excited to continue learning in this way. I guess that doesn't really seem like an age thing, but it is because I'm realizing that I have less time to do and learn the important things.

I'm purposely going to bed earlier so I feel better. Call me an old fogey, but I just can't party 'til the early morning hours like I used to be able to. Well, at least I can't stay up late and still function normally the next day. =)

I just bought a "Poker for Dummies" book so I can start my own little home poker game with some friends from church, etc. Picture 6 guys around a table at home playing poker. How old are they? Like 60? Yep, that's me. So much for rollerblading, mountain biking, running, and Whirley-ball. Well, I do still play soccer. Gotta keep these old bones limber somehow. =)

Okay, so I'm not really that old. Thirty-three is the new twenty-three, right? I just started pondering the recent changes and thought it was funny how they seemed all grown-up and old.


Allison Sangree said...

Good for you! I really appreciate what you said. We've got to keep growing and learning,and developing our gifts and skills.

Anonymous said...

I guess we have been old for a long time, cause we have been going to bed early and playing poker for years now! lol

SES said...

Yeah, I can't agree that Rush hasn't accomplished anything or that poker is for old people =)