Friday, January 19, 2007

Labor, Weather, and Cars

Holly's dilated to 4cm and is 50% effaced. We could have baby #2 any time! At the same time, big storm #2 is arriving in about 2 hours. Last estimates were for about 10 inches of snow. That on top of all of the ice that we still have, could pretty much shut down town. We called the hospital today and all of the delivery beds are full and there were 4 ladies on the waiting list. Everyone wants to have their baby before the storm hits, I guess.

So, if you think of us, pray that everything will work out okay! Holly's falling asleep as I type and despite the early hour (8:30PM) I think we're both going to bed. No sense going into this with any kind of sleep deficit!

Addie's pinkeye has improved drastically and her cold is just about gone completely. Now Holly and I are fighting it. Bad timing, I'd say. Addie is a little germ host/carrier. Seems like we always get it worse than she did.

We sold the red Explorer this week to some friends from our old church. Should be a really good vehicle for them. It was really dependable for us and they got a great deal on it in the end. Last thing to sell is the Aprilia RST 1000 (motorcycle). It's all cleaned up and being showcased in the waiting room at Guy's shop, looking good. Makes me want to keep it and I probably would if we had the room. The Avalon doesn't leave nearly as much room as the Miata did in the garage. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck guys! We look forward to hearing the news! I hope they have a bed for you Holly at the hospital! When I had Ryleigh I was lucky to get a room, they had women in closets. :( It was a busy week. lol