Friday, January 26, 2007

Don't Try This

I got this from Titus today. Yeah, I think this would really get a rise out of someone.
Next time you are sitting next to somone who irritates you on a plane or train Follow these instructions:

1. Quietly and calmly open up your laptop case.

2. Remove your laptop.

3. Start it up.

4. Make sure the guy who is annoying you, can see the screen.

6. Close your eyes and tilt your head up to the sky.

7. Then hit this link:
I think if this prank were pulled on me or anywhere near me, I'd instantly smash the computer and strangle the owner, so I don't think I'll try this any time soon. Even if you didn't get hurt pulling a prank like this, you're bound to cause everyone around you to scream and get really upset. Probably would end up in jail at the next stop, too.

Funny, though, and I couldn't resist sharing it. Thougth you might enjoy it.

1 comment:

Allison Sangree said...

I would try witnessing to him first, and then if he did not care where he was going to spend eternity, then I would pull out the laptop and click the link.
It could be a great tool =)