Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Trini Food!

I am a happy little duck this afternoon. I've been by a Jamaican dive a few times but always miss their operating hours somehow. (i.e. They're not open Mondays, or after 3PM.) On my third attempt, I got in and had a great time talking with the owners. They told me about a Trinidadian restaurant up the road a bit, so after ordering a meal at the Jamaican place (called Taste of the Caribbean) I went up to Carican for some real Trini food: curry, roti, black beans and rice, sorrel drink, etc.

I couldn't contain my excitement as I walked in to find three real Trini's running the place. It was so fun to talk with them and (as usual) they had a hard time believing that I'm a Trini, too, until I started telling them names of places no normal Oklahoman or American could pronounce properly. Actually, I probably can't pronounce anything properly to a Trini, either, but they believed me after a while.

What a great place! If you're an adventurous eater and you haven't tried Caribbean/Trinidadian food before, let me know and I'll go with you. =) It's de-lish. I'm finishing my 2nd lunch now and I just couldn't resist. Had to sit down and type about it. Both meals were great, but the Trini food was definitely better. Nicer store, too.

Here's the info:
Carican Flavors
2701 N. Martin Luther King Ave., OKC
(405) 424-0456.

They've been in business for 1 full year and are planning a 1st anniversary celebration the week of Aug. 7th. You bet I'll be there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is absolutely no fair!! I can't believe that you have Trinidadian food out there. Well, chalk it up as another good reason to come visit you!