Saturday, July 01, 2006

Change of Plans

Well, two hours into our trip, we realized that after dropping off Addie at the grandparents and meeting up with friends to carpool down, there was no possible way we could make it to the wedding before it was over. It was a gross miscalculation of mileage and time due to mapping it online from our home address vs. from the grandparents' in Moore, OK. I'll spare you all the details, but it was interesting how the rest of the day unfolded.

Being married for about three and a half years now, I know that changing big plans is much easier for me than it is for Holly. We're just wired differently in that way. For me, the change in plans was a relief and a huge opportunity to enjoy some down time, a relaxing day with friends, maybe take in a movie and save a few hundred dollars in gas, hotel bills, restaurants, etc. in Podunk, America. At the same time, I was very disappointed in not being able to see our Aussie friends, but they would all have a lot going on and we probably wouldn't have had much time at all to visit before we had to leave to make the 6 hr trek back. In fact, I'm not sure they will miss us at all, they will be so busy with everything. I believe they may be coming back through OKC on their way back to Australia, so it's possible we'll get to visit with them after all. (Yes, we did call two different people down there to let them know we weren't going to make it after all.)

Anyway, all of those things I weigh in my mind and come to a great peace that it will be okay and it's working out for the best somehow. For Holly, it's not a matter of whether it's impossible, the pros and cons, or the newly found free time... It's that we had plans and it's hard for her to change plans so quickly and get used to a new idea/plan.

It all ended well. We didn't have to make a 12 hr trip with two pregnant wives and instead we were able to enjoy a full day-long double-date here in Edmond without our kids! It was a wonderful holiday. We ate out at Casablancas (great new local restaurant) and hit the Apple store, then watched Click which we greatly enjoyed, went out for dinner and back home for another movie or two. Wow, what a great time. Woke up this morning refreshed and like we just got back from a week-long worry-free vacation.

Heading down to Moore, OK soon to pick up Addie and maybe play some volleyball with Holly's brothers and a group they're having over today.

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