Saturday, February 17, 2007

Peanut Butter Woes

With the recent outbreak of salmonella related to peanut butter, we checked our stash and -- low and behold! -- we are lucky winners of the dreaded batch starting with "2111." I've single-handedly eaten more than half of our big jar and haven't been sick yet, but it's not worth the risk.

I might have rethought that hasty decision to throw it away, however, if I realized that every jar of regular peanut butter at the grocery store had been removed from the shelves. So we've been peanut-butter-less for a few days now. It's been tough. Especially when the ice cream and brownies come out.

Speaking of... the brownies are ready. Special thanks to our friends Patti & Rodrick Rhoads for providing such a nice meal for us the other day!


Anonymous said...

We also proved so lucky! My husband threw away our half-eaten jar and my morning "frappe" was just not the same!

Anonymous said...

Don't throw ot out Al can make perfectly good soup with it and no one will get sick.

Christian said...

How did I not think of using it in a soup?! LOL!