Don't look too closely, my mirror is actually dirty, as it my car. Murphy's law of car-washing and weather keeps kicking in when I wash it. (Oh, and I took this photo with my camera phone, that's why it's not very good quality. Had to put that disclaimer in there. =)
Anyway, it got me thinking, life would sure be a lot easier if we learned earlier on not to really care so much what other people think. I mean, it's good to care what your spouse, parents and family think, but all too often, we care more about what our friends think. Or what total strangers think.
I saw a really nice car driving down the road last week with heavy-duty rubber adhered around the entire back and front bumper. I guess the guy likes to bump into cars as he parallel parks, or maybe he bumps his garage wall when he parks it at home. I say, "Good on ya, man!" Way to be functional and do what makes sense regardless of how your Lexus now looks. Beats repainting your bumper every 3 months.
Okay, I was joking about the compression-socks and shoes, but the mirrors are great and they're staying. I don't care what you think. =)
Good for you !! (I did get a good laugh out of the circulation socks =).
I tell you what, we all need to learn that lesson... to please God rather than man, and the sooner the better!
I didn't get a good laugh out of the socks, I thought he was serious! I was thinking to myself "Just can't see Christian in those socks with velcro sneakers!" Actually, wait about 20 years and you'll be surprised! I wear "Mom jeans" now! Wouldn't have caught me dead in those 25 years ago! I DO have some low rise, flaired ones, too, but it's comfort us old people go for now!!
Hey Christian-I know I left a post earlier, but it doesn't seem to show up. So, if you didn't get it, I put it on my blog too at www.xanga.com/dknapp9210.
I am going to WPPI. I really reccomend it. If you decide to go, let me know. I usually stay with a friend of mine, but I may get a hotel room this year. Let me know, if you don't bring the whole family, we could split a room.
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