Saturday, February 10, 2007

CF Bulbs, Paintball

In the last 2 or 3 days, I think I've replaced about 30 regular incandescent bulbs around the house with compact fluorescent (CF) bulbs. If what they say on the packaging is true, we'll save about $2000 in electricity over the lifetime of these bulbs. Not too shabby.

These are the old ones. The incandescent bulbs that I hear California is trying to outlaw by 2010 or some such madness.

And here are the new CF ones.
The CF bulbs have come a long way in just a few years. They're a much more pleasant soft white light now than they were back when we tried them last. I got some "Sunlight" temperature bulbs to put in the closets, too. They are 6500K light (same color temperature as daylight) so it helps when you're picking out your clothes in the morning.

Anyway, it was a pretty fun project. I like working on things that will eventually save money, even if it costs $200 up front for all of the bulbs.

Had a fun time playing paintball with Titus (Holly's brother) and some of his friends. Here's just a small gallery of pictures, if you're looking for them, guys.

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