Friday, February 02, 2007

Happy Groundhog Day

We heard on the radio that Punxatawnie Phil (the official Groundhog Day mascot) has been right only 38% of the time. That's quite a bit better than our TV meteorologists.

So, I thought I'd just let everyone know not to worry about us during the forecasted "Deep Freeze 2007" since they turned out to be incorrect again. It's like 40 degrees outside, compared to the expected wind chill index of like -10 degrees.

Crazy meteorologists. I say we cut their base salaries and give them bonuses for every time they're right. Maybe that would give them some incentive to be accurate and stop predicting weather 2 weeks out.

I think this guy has a good idea: If groundhogs can be so accurate in predicting the 6-week forecast, why don't we use them all the time? Check out the answers... So funny!


Anonymous said...

Love your new blog title! Would love to set down and have a cup of coffee with you & Holly, only I prefer ICED coffee! (Starbucks Frappucinos are my favorite!)But would still love the conversation! We now prefer the small, intimate fellowship of living room Christianity! Now that's discipleship! What is it about "opening your heart" over a cup of coffee?

Christian said...

I'm sitting in Starbucks as I type! I've recently found their Yukon Blend a new favorite of mine. Today they had French Roast on tap, so I went with that, but a fun thing to do is to order whatever blend I want French Pressed! They brew it and bring it out in a french press with mugs and it's like having coffee at home. I love it.

Anonymous said...

What my husband wouldn't give to be sitting there with you right now! Starbucks is his favorite place & he prefers the Indonesian or Guatemalan, but loves it all!