Thursday, November 30, 2006

Storm of the Century, Celebrity Look-Alikes

It's snowing in Oklahoma! We got SO much snow, that the schools are closed all day and many government offices are closed! So far, we have a whopping 1/2 inch! In some places, it's drifted 2 or 3 inches deep!! I know, it's amazing. You can just barely see the grass through all the snow!!!

The emergency earth-moving equipment has been called out to scrape the streets with graders, dozers and backhoes. What an amazing storm to live through! Check back for updates later on... It's still snowing, so we might get more before the day is through!

In other news today... Thought y'all might get a kick out of this. =)


SES said...

the list is missing the one celebrity you look most like: John Travolta. awesome post though.
oh, and congrats on the big storm. don't forget to stock up on bread and batteries.

Christian said...

That's right! I didn't even think about John Travolta. And the Baldwin brother, too! I kinda look like them. Moreso than Jason Lee, Barry Williams and Guy Pearce, for sure!

Anonymous said...

Hey, C - Big fan of yours! I think you look more like me than any of my brothers. Peace~

Vicki & Bruce said...

How is the rest of the Brady Bunch? I always liked Alice best.

Mr. A.