We will be spending the holidays in OK this year. With Holly so far along in her pregnancy, it would be really tough to enjoy traveling. We're looking forward to seeing the Sangree grandparents, though, in January and February when they roll across the US in their nice mobile home. (Here's a picture they just sent us!)
Also, it's that time of the year when we renegotiate our cell phone contract and get new phones. (This doesn't fit in the "Most Wonderful Time of the Year.") It's usually none too soon, either, because these confounded electronics are only warranted for 1 year and they self-destruct on day 366. When we finally figured out what handsets everyone wanted and got them ordered, I got widespread reports that handsets were failing left and right, and, by and large, misbehaving in strange ways. It's like they knew they were about to be replaced. Strange...
So, anyway, after using my trusty cell phone for a year without any trouble, I upgraded to this tasty new Nokia flip phone. Lots of cool features and certainly a better programmed phone than the Motorola I had previously, but the flimsy plastic back blew apart on me the first day I brought it home. It's a good thing a Nokia rep didn't come to visit me that night or we'd have definitely had words. =) Here's what my phone now looks like. I can't believe I'm going to have to use this for a year now. What a bummer. I bought a case, so at least it will stay together now and hide my pretty duct taping job. Lesson learned: don't fix an adhesive knob to the back of cell phones with flimsy plastic backs.
Christian Holly and Addie,
Have a good Thanksgiving at your home and hope to see you all soon.
Bruce A.
Wish you all were coming home for Thanksgiving or Christmas! Need to talk to your Mom & Dad about Christmas. Erin & boys are coming after Christmas (Jason has to be with the recruits), so might do a New Year's Eve so she can be here with them. Hope Sean is coming! Oh, a comment for your mom! She DID make wedding soup out of the leftovers-and the pasta salad IN the soup made it oily! Can't believe she doesn't remember! My kids sure do! She shared it with us! Have a wonderful family Thanksgiving!
You're probably right about the soup from the leftovers (not at the wedding, Mom). Mom could make soup out of just about any kind of leftovers.
Save one of those special drinks for me. We'll bring some special soup in trade.
It's going to be a while before you guys get here and the drinks won't last that long! We'll have made soup out of it already by the time you get here. =)
I love this time of the year too! I especially love going to Strites Orchard for Winesap/Stamen apples - always buying 1/2 bushel still - and gallons of their fresh apple cider. (Love eggnog too!) Grandpa and Martha want to go in halves for the trailer (they seriously did, believing that's what we bought =) Jill brought The Long Long Trailer with Lucy Ball and we all watched it over Thanksgiving weekend. (Hope there are no hills between us & OK & CA =) LOL over your cell phone - hope Dad doesn't get that kind - It'll self destruct in his hand in seconds with his track record!
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