"Here for a reason!"
"Your life counts! For the first 300 years of Christianity there were no church buildings, no paid or “professional” clergy. There were simply believers-those that embraced Jesus Christ as their life and mission. We are certain that there is no such thing as “secular.” There is absolutely no dividing line between clergy and laity. We are all called with one calling and no man or woman is to ever be elevated above another so as to create a division between secular and sacred. There are no professional believers!
"Christianity has become a civilized religion that promises comfort, abundance and safety. I am convinced that perhaps the most dangerous place to be is in the center of God’s will! I am convinced that Jesus did not come to simply bring convenience but to bring His kingdom through the broken, humbled and even the struggling.
"I believe that believers should be compelled by Christ and not by religious expectation, manipulation, guilt or shame. I believe our identity is in our birth as children of God and not simply our performance. I believe that God’s grace is determined by His character and not ours. We are hear to live out these truths.
"I am certain that Jesus’ death wasn’t to free us from dying, but to free us from the fear of death. I believe that Christ calls us to die up front so that we might truly begin to live. Now.
"I believe that Jesus is not simply the answer to the death question, but also to the life question. I believe that the redeemed are called to passionately embrace both the nature and mission of Jesus Christ.
"I believe we are here for a reason and that every believer is called to a life of service, studying the scriptures and investing the resources and gifts that God has given them.
"I believe we can touch the world by touching the person next to us. To the glory of God, we are here for a reason.
"Know that you are loved by God and the people of this body. Let me know if I can ever help or be a friend in any way. You matter to me!"
Because He Lives,
Jason Gilbow
Jason Gilbow
It's been really refreshing to fellowship with other believers in a loving, non-judgmental environment. These are people who are serious about their relationship with God, and serious about loving others as Jesus did. What an inspiration and encouragement to be around!
Here's the logo for the church. Titus designed it. Pretty cool, huh?

I think Holly's love language just may be firewood. =) We got 2 ricks of wood delivered recently in preparation for the colder weather. We've already had two fires and I think the fireplace is still warm from the one we had last night. We got a great deal on it, too! About 1/2 price, delivered and stacked from a fireman way down South who is clearing a lot and has a lot of green wood. We got about 1/2 and 1/2 green and seasoned, so we'll just burn the seasoned stuff this year and the green stuff next year (or after the fire's already going well =).
Can't wait for Thanksgiving!! And I found out my parents are coming for a surprise visit on my birthday. Fun times!
Hey, Christian,
I'm just checking out the family blogs while we watch tearfully as Notre Dame loses to USC. Sounds like a great church. I hope that you are closer than we are to our church - even though ours has some really neat programs and "mom's night out" sort of things, it's hard to take advantage of these fun things because of the distance. We even have a ladies floor hockey team! What a great message on your bulletin. Sounds like he's read What's So Amazing About Grace.
Love ya, bro.
Great letter from your pastor - thanks for sharing it with us. I too believe that Jesus came to free us from the fear of death, so we can truly live in anticipation of the wonderful fathomless (eye hsd not seen) things God has for us for all eternity - beginning with abundant life here and now (a fortaste of things to come). If we fear death we will lose our hope. John Maxwell said "If there is hope in the future, there is power in the present". So true!
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