Thought I'd brave the blizzard to take a few more pictures outside. Here I'm standing just in front of our mailbox and you can see that it's covered in ice. That's the precipitation of choice here in Oklahoma. It's very convenient. We get a good layer of ice and then the snow falls. The ice allows the snow to really drift nicely and not stick too badly on your driveway or sidewalks. No need for shovels here! Just sweep it away and then bring out a scraper to get the ice up. Presto! Quicker'n you can say antidisestablishmentarianism.

There are a couple of cute girls looking out this window. It's snowing a little bit here, so it's hard to see them.

There they are!

Isn't that the prettiest garland around the front door? Lights and all! I'm actually under the covered front porch here and you can still see a lot of snow!

Then back inside to the very warm living room, complete with crackling fire! We had quite the fire last night. In fact, it was still red-hot this morning, so all I had to do was add a new log and it started right up. Isn't that tree amazing? Hol does an awesome job decorating the tree. Looks like it should be in Nordstrom's. She even has poinsettias in there!

I can hear Dad reading this, "What!? You call that a fire?" (Dad's fireplace is big enough for a hibernating bear to sleep in. In fact, we once put a Yule log so big in there that it burned for like 3 days. Isn't that right, Dad? It really is an awesome fireplace. Okay, back to MY story and MY fireplace.) The deal is... I just put 2 more logs on. And they're covered in snow. You can still see some snow on them in the cracks in the bark. So there!
Beautiful job on the tree, Holly! The room looks very inviting! LOVE fireplaces and sure have enjoyed sitting around your parent's fireplace! Your home looks very nice! Too bad you're so far away!
Beautiful tree guys! The boys decorated ours and I had to wait a few days to fix all the ornaments being in one spot at the bottom of the tree. :) Every time I moved one they got upset beacause that is not where THEY put it. lol Oh well. I am learning to get over everything being perfect, just does not mesh well with two little boys. :)
Any fire is great, but did you start it with secret sauce? I'll give you the recipe when we see you next week. I'd bring some with me but don't think they would let us on the plane with it. Beautiful tree and fire. Save some wood.
Hee Hee! "Secret Sauce!" Fun times, Dad! Holly was reading your comments and said "Secret Swoss" in a New York accent to sound like you. =) No, better not try to bring any secret sauce with you. Unless you can get it into travel-size tubes of toothpaste. We have natural gas to help light the logs and there's always fun to be had with gas! If you count to 5 or 13 before throwing in a match, you get a medium or large boom to help start the fire and blow out any loose creosote from the chimney. Can't wait to show you! =)
Never noticed Allen had a New York accent before! Will have to really pay attention the next time we talk to him!
Well, maybe he just does compared to Holly's Oklahoma accent. =) It does slip out when Dad says "coffee" and "water" sometimes. =)
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