Saturday, November 11, 2006

Nice Eyes!

As some of you know, I lost an eye when I was a child in a bike accident. My good friend Jeremiah Stonge and I were racing down a beautiful hill and I had a most unfortunate speed-wobble right at the bottom. My treasured glass eye was in my shirt pocket and I never did find it despite searching and bleeding all over the place.

My Mom's side of the family are opticians and ophthalmologists, so I soon got another glass eye to play with and freak people out with. =)

Here's a beautiful self-portrait as I get ready for a wedding photography gig tonight. Handsome devil...


Anonymous said...

How did you DO that? It looks like you really do have a glass eye! A friend of mine in Md. really did have one-a Coke bottle exploded in his face. He died last week at age 59 (not because of the eye-not sure yet why)

Anonymous said...

Hey, Christian,
I think "Devil" applies a little better than "handsome". You're too funny!

SES said...

I should dig mine out and post a pic so people can see the family resemblence.

Anonymous said...

I can't help laughing - first at your beautiful blue eye, and then
at Sean's comment!
Do you remember I took you back, all bloddied and oozing (after the Dr. had picked gravel out of everywhere) to search for the lost glass eye? You did not seem to care about the your mangled flesh as much as you cared about 'the eye"

Christian said...

Ha ha! Yes, I remember, Mom! =) Although I really hated to lose that eye, it makes for a great story now. =)