Tuesday, November 28, 2006

My Throat, my throat, my throat is on fire

It's that time of year. The weather's cooling down, we've eaten all kinds of candy and desserts for the last week and we're sleep-deprived from visiting family. Time for a cold or flu or something. =)

Pop quiz: Sore throat, mild headache and swollen glands are the symptoms of ___________ ? (You may use the back side of this page if you need more space.) Please turn your answers in within 24 hours so I know how to treat this.

In the mean time, I think I'm going to put on a turtleneck and lie down again.


SES said...

swollen glands, eh bro? which ones exactly?

Anonymous said...

Bubonic Plague. Call me when you feel better.

Christian said...

The ones on either side of my windpipe, down a few inches from my jaw.

Anonymous said...

Well if nobody feels sad for you - I DO!! Chicken soup,all the good "stuff" you know about - vitamins, echenacea etc. Also gargling with salt water, and yes, inhaling it through your nose (yuk) so it goes down the back of your throat - this really helps! Now I hope you are serious and not just trying to get the usual "mother" reaction from me =)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like sugaritis to me! I get it every year at Christmas time. I've heard wearing turtlenecks cures it every time!

Christian said...

Okay, here's the deal. It was sugaritis, plus caffeine-withdrawal, plus a canker sore in the back of my mouth. Altogether it felt really sick. =) Coffee this morning took care of the headache and taking it easy the last couple of days took care of the swollen glands. A couple of days will take care of the canker sore. =) That crazy chips and guacamole over Thanksgiving got me in the back of my mouth and followed up with about a pound of skittles was a sure recipe for a sore mouth. =)

Thanks, everyone, for good responses to help fix my situation. It's nice to know I'm loved.

Christian said...

Oh, and the turtleneck did help! =)

Christian said...

Now my lips are on fire... Time to drink some water and put more Ice Drops chap stick on them. =)

Christian said...

I am my most popular commenter! =)