Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My Princess

Waiting for a customer to show up, I captured this picture of Holly. She wasn't posing for it, obviously, and she's not smiling or anything, but I love the lighting, background and that it shows her little growing belly. =) Isn't that sun-flare awesome?

It's Fall in Oklahoma!


SES said...

I can only hope to one day have a wife as beautiful as my two sisters.

Anonymous said...

AND it's also special when a man thinks his wife is a princess! I'm sure Sean will find a beautiful one in California, too!

Anonymous said...

Cratch California, Mrs. A meant to say PA I'm sure!

Anonymous said...

That is an amazing shot Christian, and we think she's awesome too!

Christian said...

Sean, did you catch that? Cratch those Cali girls, okay? =)