Wednesday, November 22, 2006

My Girls

Isn't this a great picture? I'm sure it means more to me than to any of you because I know that Addie is NOT a snuggler. At all. Only when she's really sick or has been awaken in the middle of the night. =) Check out how she's crossed her legs even.

Thanks for catching our father/daughter moment, Hol! I sure love my girls... soon to be 3 girls! What a lucky guy I am... Oh, and I should have told you, we were watching football in this picture!


Anonymous said...

Sweet picture. Addie is blessed to have such a wonderful father and mother as you guys. I was blessed to have you as a son.

Christian said...

Aw, thanks, Dad! You're a great Dad! I hope I'm as good a Dad as you have been for us kids.