Thursday, November 16, 2006

Busy, busy!

It's been SO busy around here. Shuffling cars, paperwork, pregnancy, photography, marketing, gardening, organizing, cleaning, etc. I was telling Holly last night that I don't think I can remember when I last felt so inadequate. It's been a long time since I consciously thought, "It would be just GREAT if Jesus came back tonight to call it a wrap." I guess that feeling is actually a good thing, though it's not enjoyable for me. I'm used to being good at what I do, being competent, organized, ready for anything. I just haven't been able to keep it all up lately and it's been discouraging and kinda depressing for me, I guess. Just taking the time to think it through enough to write about it does kinda give it all a little meaning, being able to see how these times do draw me closer to God and help me to remember my dependence on Him. I've been through times like these before and I'm guessing we all have them. Seasons of life...

Well, today I was able to knock out a few things including firewood for the winter, putting the red Explorer up for sale, new cell phones for the office, and figure out new maintenance schedules for the new cars. Yesterday I planted ornamental grasses in our yard to hide utilities and various things. Planted some ivy, too, that I hope will grow up our mailbox. I have ivy from my parents' place in PA growing up the house, too. I hope it all survives the winter and grows nicely next year. If it does, we'll have quite the beautiful house.

Gardening has been a really nice stress-relief.


Anonymous said...

It's nice to hear a man understand how moms feel! It can help you appreciate Holly more(not that you don't already!) I have felt the same way many days as there are so many unfinished tasks hanging around and little "things" that need taking care of that make you not feel competent. Thank God that HE doesn't judge me by the things I have successfully accomplished each day! Sometimes I am my biggest judge! Thanks for sharing your feelings.

SES said...

I knew it- I can always tell when something's bothering you. God gives brothers wisdom...

jk. if you see this mom, love you!

and if it's any consolation bro, know that you're one of my biggest heroes.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha! Don't knock it!!!
God does give MOTHERS wisdom!
And don't argue with me "I am the mother"=)
(you guys are so funny - I don't even remember some of the things I used to say, but it seems you never forget)

Anonymous said...

Hey Chrisitian! I'll say a prayer for you and's nice to know that I am not the only one that feels that way at times. As they say..."keep yer chin up!" Hello to Holly! :)

Anonymous said...

One of the biggest challenges Jas and I face right now is to enjoy each day while our kids are little, yet survive each day that our kids are little! :)

Christian said...

Well, turns out that a few good nights' sleep is a great first step to feeling better about things. Sleep deprivation is definitely the one thing that gets me down and every time and I never seem to recognize that's the main reason I'm feeling down.

Thanks, everyone, for your support and love!