Thursday, November 09, 2006

Ant Attack!

So this afternoon hit 88 degrees here in beautiful, sunny OKC. I actually changed into shorts and flip-flops before leaving the office. Holly came by and picked me up and we did a photo shoot downtown for a really nice young couple who are celebrating their wedding anniversary.

Does anybody know the Chinese calendar and whether this is the year of the ant? I never thought of ants as mean before moving to Oklahoma. I mean, we had some huge black ants growing up in the Northeast, but I never knew anyone to be bit by them. Man, these tiny little Okie ants have major attitudes. For starters, they build huge nests underground in all the best places for photographs. Unsuspecting photographers wearing flip-flops regularly get taught nasty lessons by the entire colony.

Today I had the great misfortune to #1 be wearing flip-flops, #2 be wearing shorts, #3 kneel down in one of those well-placed colonies. They're called fire ants for a reason. When the burning sensation finally reached my brain, I looked down to see my leg covered in ants. I guess they somehow all got on and then bit all around the same time. I have no idea how I didn't feel them crawl onto my leg.

So I did a little jig and after some whole-hearted leg-slapping I got all the little buggers I could see. Then I was reminded of a rhyme from my childhood days... Something about "ants in your pants that make you dance all the way to France." You get the idea.

So, I'm having a hard time falling asleep. I have bite marks all over my legs and they itch and burn like the dickens. ("The Dickens," by the way, would be a great name for a band, don't you think? I mean, so many things are "like the dickens." Who wants to be the real "dickens?" And worse yet, I keep thinking I feel a stray ant or two wandering around uncharted territories and private property, if you catch my drift. Doesn't matter how much I tell myself it's ridiculous, there's no ant there.

Here's to a newfound respect for one of the world's tiniest critters. I'm buying ant killer this weekend.


Anonymous said...

We have those ants too. Jason treats the yard regularly to kill them, but there always seems to be a hill of them somewhere. The bugs down here are just evil!! :)

Anonymous said...

That reminds me of Belize when fire ants crawled inside the cast on my broken foot ,and when the entire colony had successfully migrated they yelled "BITE" and attacked all at once.

Christian said...

Man, I thought I had it bad... can't imaging those pesky critters getting side a cast! OUCH! I'm itchy all over again just thinking about it.