Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Last Ride on the Aprilia

Well, today being Halloween, we thought it prudent to take my bike off the street so it wouldn't get egg'd or TP'd or pranked in some other way. It gave us a good deadline for putting it up for sale and cleaning the bike stuff out of the garage. We've been waiting for a nice day to get a few pictures on the bike before selling it and even though we had a cold day today, my good friend Rodrick agreed to help shoot some super-cool shots of my last ride so I'd at least have some cool memories and pictures of the bike.

This is my favorite corner, 2 miles from home.
I love the motion blur and action in this photo.
The Aprilia has a 1:5 power-to-weight ratio. Lots of torque!
This isn't a view that many people see for long. =)
Thanks for the great pictures, Rodrick! Can't wait to enlarge a few and hang them in the house. Or the garage, at least! =)

1 comment:

SES said...

Dude, those pics are fantastic. You rock!