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Okay, I'll bet these seem kind of random. The macro shots of the grass and flower because of the rain droplets clinging to both. The narrow depth of field is always cool on macros, too, and with the blowing wind, it was actually a bit of a challenge to capture the image at just the right moment when it was focused how I wanted it to be.
The crippled worm was my mistake. Stepped on the poor guy when I backed up from shooting the flower and grass. You know how smells can transport you back to a distant time and place? Well, dying worms give a very faint smell that can instantly take me back to riding a school bus through the rain back in high-school. Don't ask me how to describe the smell... My family is strange about smells. I have an aunt who can smell ants. I can smell snakes and dying worms. My mom can smell mold from like 36 miles away. All on the Ferreira side of the family, I might add. =)

And finally, the brick shot I like because it's high-contrast. I used an infra-red filter on this one to get the effect it has. I just thought it looks cool. I have it in a big enough picture that it's now one of my favorite desk top wall-papers. My Mac changes wall-papers every 15 minutes or so and is rotating through some cool black and white photos that I've been collecting.

Very nice. The brick shot is slick.
Great photos. Too bad about the worm...
I know that smell you speak of. In high school I used to race road bikes, and I'll never forget a race we had in the rain. Once I got home I had to clean worm guts out of my chainrings, spokes, etc. GROSS.
Great photos, well done!
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