You might feel like you're reading the script from a TV commercial, but that's how passionate we are about cameras! I did a bit of research today and I think that's the one we want to go with. We'll have to do a little bit of shopping and "holding" the cameras, I'm sure, but just looking at the specs and features, I like this camera. It can shoot video at up to 60 fps, so even though video will not be it's strongest point, it will be adequate for our primary video need: Sharing cute clips online with out-of-town family.
You might be asking yourself, "Why has it taken 2 years to make this decision?" Well, mainly because I didn't want to make a quick decision. =) I really didn't want to buy a video camera that would just amass hundreds of old tapes for us that we'd never have time to watch. With this new camera, we should be able to put the video clips on DVD and watch them either on the computer directly or with a DVD player on TV. I've seen my brother's camera take some really amazing video and so I'm pretty confident that we'll be in good shape. Plus, we have Mac's so we can make cool movies/videos in iMovie, right? We'll have to try that out sometime and post some for you to check out.
Thanks for reading!
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