Monday, October 02, 2006

October and All's Well

Can you believe it's already October? The 10th month of the year 2006? Amazing... Time is really flying. I have a theory about why time goes faster the older you get: Time moves at a rate relative to how long you've already lived. It's like a ratio. When you're 10, one year is a long time because it's 1/10th of your life. By the time you're 30, a year is only 1/30th of your life, so it's a much shorter time-frame, relatively speaking. Oh, and I have an analogy about it, too. It's like a tethered rope swinging around a pole, wrapping itself up until it's completely wrapped around the pole. The first few revolutions (like years) take the longest, but as the rope shortens, the revolutions pick up speed and the RPMs increase significantly. There you go... Deep thoughts, by Christian Sangree. =)

We had a great weekend. Holly's birthday was Thursday the 28th and she turned 29 for the 2nd time. =) I worked from home all day to spend the day with her and we had a great time. We decided to make Friday the big date night for her birthday and we went out to eat at Carrabba's and then out to the movies to see "The Guardian." I didn't realize the Coast Guard was so heroic. I have friends in the Coast Guard and have a new respect for what they do. When the Navy and others come in to harbor to escape hurricanes and storms, the Coast Guard heads out to save lives. We really enjoyed the movie. Hooray for grandparents who live nearby and love to have Addie over for the night!

Then, after the movie, we went to a grand opening at a friend's photography studio ( He does some really amazing fashion and modeling photography. Nothing like what we do, but he's good at what he does. We went to support him and his new venture and were really impressed at his cool old place that he's made into a really hip studio.

After all that, I had to get up at like 6AM to market for Senior Care at a fundraiser walk downtown to help fight Alzheimer's. Grabbed a nice nap after that and then headed to Stillwater to photograph a wedding up there on the OSU campus. Wow, what a great campus for a wedding! It was beautiful weather and the couple was great to work with.

The only problems we had were with the three videographers who were like papparazi! Man, we could hardly get a shot without them setting up right in front of us or leaning a shoulder in our picture. It was really ridiculous and we even heard guests complaining because they were in front of everyone all the time, blocking the best views of everything. Rod and I felt so bad that we shot from our knees whenever we could to try to make some room for people to see what was going on. If you know anyone who's going to be married soon, they should really tell the videographers to take a back seat and not get in everyone's way, especially the photographers! People typically spend four times as much on photography than they do on videography, so you'd think the videographers would get the hint about priorities... Ah well. They left before we did and finally felt unencumbered to roam about and get some really great shots. Rod should have several up soon on his blog to give a little taste of what we did.

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