Saturday, October 14, 2006

The Aussie Room

I don't think we've told everyone about our study/studio/office yet. Well, we've probably told almost everyone, but didn't include cool pictures yet. So, here's one. Actually, I put a few up on our Prints Charming Photography blog, so if you haven't seen them, click on the link to that blog on the right hand side of this page and then check out the entry called "Where the Magic Happens."

Holly is not going to be thrilled with this picture since she's 6 months' pregnant, has a growing headache and was ready to go to bed about 2 hrs ago so you'd better cut her some slack or she'll make me yank this picture. Sheesh, people! How about a little discretion and consideration! =)

Okay, there are a couple of cool things in this picture that should be pointed out. First is the skin on the back of the chair Holly is sitting in. It's a kangaroo skin and every single chair in that entire room has one just like it. Okay, so that's only two chairs, but I'm willing to bet that most of you don't have even one.

Second, the alligator skin on the wall. Ignore that walnut-sized hole where the back legs and tail meet. Holly's grandfather shot that gator somewhere in Louisianna and had the foresight to save it for our Australia-themed room. It came with two or three little baby gator skins, too. Not sure what foresight included those, or how they were "harvested" so we didn't display them. I believe they're in North Carolina now, actually, at Aunt Jonnie's.

Okay, third is the sweet leather chair with ottoman that you can't see. Some of y'all might remember the gray leather couches I was given in Chicago by a friend who lives downtown. I think they were like 20 years old when I got them and I've had them for 6 or 7 years. Well, they're well worn in, but still holding up remarkably well. That's pretty much sold us on leather furniture and so when we needed a club chair for our study, we found a deal on this one and gave it a loving home. It's been great and we're now looking/hoping for a couch, love-seat, chair deal for our living room to replace the 70's couches we have currently. Our old couches will make a really great addition to either Guy's garage (Shepherd Automotive) or a college hangout room at church or something like that.

Fourth, there's probably not a need to mention the PowerBook G4 notebook on Holly's lap. Titus and Benjamin now have one and I'm doing my best to talk my parents into getting a Mac so we can video chat. Not sure why we're having trouble, but they can't seem to connect with us over AIM video chat and iChat. They would just LOVE to see Addie over that video chat and it would be so easy to talk with them every day like that. Oh well... Hopefully the'll get it figured out.

I guess that's about it. I need to get some things done. Until next time...

Thanks for reading!


Erin said...

Hey Holly, I think you look great! :) So, you guys like leather? We are getting new living room furniture next year when we move and we have been thinking about leather. Chelly and Chris have it and they really like it too. I wonder how it holds up with kids?

Christian said...

Well, there aren't too many other fabrics that you can mash a banana into and just wipe clean! =) I think it's near indestructable so far. Of course, boys are a different story, but still, it's gotta hold up better than any kind of cloth.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,keep it up and somebody just might feel sorry enough for us and buy us a Mac. Actually, while they're at it we'll accept an RV too so we can visit Addie in person =)