Sunday, August 06, 2006


I joined a soccer club last week. It's been high school since I last played seriously and even back then I'm not sure how seriously I played. =) But I'm competitive and I'll improve and it will help keep me active and in shape.

We got together earlier this week and kicked the ball around together (12 of us on the team). Looks like it will be a great group and fun company. Most of them are like me in that they used to play and are just now getting back into it after years of getting old and out of shape. I think playing Ultimate Frisbee has helped a lot in keeping me at some level of fitness, but it's amazing how little running it takes to get me winded.

Edmond/OKC seems to be really big on soccer, moreso than many other places I've lived. There are plenty of outdoor fields to play on (with goals) and lots of indoor soccer-plex arenas to play in as well. I joined an indoor league, so we'll be playing with teams of 5, plus the goalie. That's good, because we have a sub for each player and we'll only have to play a few minutes at a time and we can sub out. =)

Game starts at 6pm today, so I'm going to take a nap. Was up until 2AM trying to figure out how to publish, share and subscribe to calendars so Holly and I could automatically keep up with our several calendars, so church came really early this morning.


Erin said...

Hey Guys! You all have a lot of websites! :) Must be a full time job keeping up with them all. Your photography is beautiful. If we ever are back in PA at the same time as you all, I would love to hire you all to take family pics. I love hearing from old friends and it's great we can keep up with the lives of friends by seeing pics of their families reading a little about their day to day life. Holly, I hope you are feeling ok with the pregnancy. Take care.

Christian said...

By the way, they gave me a starting position on Sunday! How fun... I think I bruised a rib, though. Smashed into a guy at full speed and I was the one to get the wind knocked out of me and lay moaning on the ground for what felt like 7 or 8 minutes. =) It was fun, though. End score: 8-8, so we tied. We actually scored 10 of those points, though. =) And I scored one with a couple of assists. (I scored on their goal.)