Friday, August 04, 2006


Getting married is bad for one's popularity. Not that I really care (maybe that's the real reason why my popularity has waned?) but it's been interesting to see the cold hard numbers showing that Addie's blog is twice as popular as my own. =) I guess I'll have to get used to that, especially if Addie ends up looking as beautiful as her Mom. We have both shotguns already loaded.

Seriously, though, marriage is just one of those major life changes resulting in old friends not keeping in touch as well. I try to keep up with all of my close friends, but after the 3rd or 4th year of calling on their birthdays, etc. and never getting any calls from them, you can't help but rethink the relationship and wonder if maybe it's a bit too lopsided? I've taken out more than a few birthdays from my calendar because of what I just described and it's kinda sad to do so. Ah well. You'd think I would be used to it by now, having made like 12 big moves/relocations in my life so far. Okay, I think I've gone a bit off-subject.

Well done, Addie. I'm proud to be your Dad.

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