Monday, August 21, 2006

Broken Rib(s), CD-Release

Well, I don't know for 100% sure since I don't have an X-ray proving it, but if this isn't a broken rib, I don't know what is. It's been two weeks and my ribs are still too sore to touch! Had to skip yesterday's soccer game since last week's game really seemed to set my recovery back a good bit. It's been over 2 weeks and my rib hurts more this week than it did the first week. Ah well. I don't think anything can be done about it since I obviously don't have a punctured lung and they can't put my entire rib-cage in a cast, so I'll get over it on my own in a few weeks hopefully. I guess I should start taking calcium.

This weekend was a lot of fun... We helped Holly's brother Benjamin with his new CD release. We did the photography (pictures forthcoming) and the pictures turned out really great. The CD looks really professional despite putting it all together in the last 3 days and having such a small budget for it. We had a lot of talent donating their time on it, so it's a top-quality album. Check out his "5ifty Years" song at:

We're really looking forward to my brother's (Sean's) visit in a couple of weeks. Can't wait to catch up on the details from his recent conclusion to hiking the entire Appalachian Trail. If you haven't checked out his journal, it's a great read... He's very well written and his photos are awesome. His journal can be read here.

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