Friday, June 30, 2006

Headin' to Texas

We're heading down to Texas today for a wedding today. Looks like it will be a nice day to drive 5-1/2 hrs each way. =) We'll be in good company, too, with David and Alyson Frederick. And the kiddies get to stay with the grandparents today, so it's going to be like a long double date. =) Fun stuff...

The wedding is for Breanna Ellis and Tim Elam. I worked with Bree and her family in Australia (they're Aussies) for almost a year back about 5 years ago so we're really looking forward to seeing them all again and catching up with her parents, too. We went through some really stressful times together and it always seems that going through difficult times bonds hearts together particularly well.

I also found out my good friend Adam has finally found himself a girl to go after. =) Way to go Adam. And what a girl! I couldn't be happier for you. Married life can be SO great if you get the right one. It's great to see friends take their time and make the best choices.

Feeling very blessed today with all of the above in mind. If you haven't listened to The Afters new album "I Wish We All Could Win" you definitely should look into it. I particularly like the songs Wait and You and All That I Am. Check 'em out... (Thanks, Levi, for introducing me to The Afters!) Their official website is here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Long time, no see... saw your blog mentioned on xings. Good to "catch up" with old timers.