Monday, June 26, 2006

Looking for Chris?

I guess a lot of people go by different names at different stages of their lives. One of my best friends goes by Freddie, David, and all variations of both. When I was a kid, I went by Christian, but in my adolescent years, I found Chris less hypocritical and maybe a bit more incognito. =)

Well, since being adopted into the Sangree family at the age of 13, I've often wondered how my old friends from childhood would ever find me if they wanted to look me up. Maybe this will help.

If any of my childhood friends are looking for Christian Ledeatt or Chris Ledeatt, you've found him! I've been Christian Sangree since the late 80's, and I'd love to hear from you! There's a link to our business "Prints Charming Photography" in the side column, and contact info can be found for me there. Old friends, please do stop by and say hello!

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