Sunday, April 01, 2007

Google's Offering Free Internet

If you haven't noticed, Google's offering free internet on their classic web search page. It's hard to miss since there's usually nothing on the page but a field for entering search string data. As of right now, it says:
New! Get FREE breakthrough broadband with Google TiSP (BETA).
If they still have it up, check it out... It's a great article and amazing technology. Click on the "How TiSP Works" link and check out their great diagrams, etc.

If you don't have time to do all that, basically, they're offering free internet through city sewer systems. They provide you a model and a long cable to flush down your toilet to waiting technicians.

I wonder what those technicians did to get put on TiSP duty. Bummer of a job...



Christian said...

The link on Google's main page is down now, but here's where it linked to. (

Enjoy! =)

SES said...

lol. Brilliant idea! The mechanics of it might be a little crappy, but really, it's pure genius.

Allison Sangree said...

That sure was funny - gave me a good laugh! (great for stress!)