Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Dry Cleaning

Did you know you shouldn't leave your dry-cleaning in the plastic they come draped in? Yep... if you leave that plastic on your clothes for any length of time, they will yellow. Something in the plastic causes it.

With Storie being born not too long ago, I hadn't been by the dry cleaners to pick up several shirts I had there. They called over the weekend to let us know it had been a month and Holly was concerned that they'd give away my shirts if I didn't pick them up soon. Yep, they do that, but only after 6 months, so the shirts were safe.

Just thought you might like to know. =)

I think I'm going to try switching to decaf slowly. I started today with 1/2 regular-1/2 decaf vente house blend coffee. I'm hoping maybe the switch will help me to deal with pressure and stress a bit better. I know regular coffee can rob you of vitamin B which helps deal with stress, and I need every bit of B I can get. =) So, that's the plan. We can still do coffee, but I'm sipping decaf, at least for a while.

Need to get cracking on taxes or I'm going to have to file for an extension... Just one more thing to do ASAP.

I got the front struts replaced on the Toyota today (after 140k miles, I guess they were ready) and it feels like a new car. Amazing how struts make a difference. It was getting noisier and rougher for the last several hundred miles and I didn't really notice until last week when a clunking noise developed. Now I have to get it aligned... Good thing we have the Firestone lifetime alignment deal!

Oh, and I had the oil changed yesterday and I put some Lucas fuel injector cleaner/upper engine cleaner in it. Man, that stuff really is amazing. I could tell a difference after just about 50 miles. Starts up quicker and just seems to run smoother. It's nice to find products that actually work as expected.

I've been really overwhelmed recently with all I had to do, but I've been looking at everything all at once instead of just one thing at a time. So, I'm trying to focus on what God would have me do just right now to get through the craziness of life at this stage. Today's already been a better day just because of that. I've always heard that God never gives you more than you can deal with, but when you're in the middle of it, sayings like that don't really help much. I've heard life is continually lived between three stages, like a vine: growing, fruit-bearing and pruning. I guess we're in a pruning stage right now and it kinda helps having that in mind as I continue to face challenges and frustrations during this stage of life.

Well, that's all for now. Catch you over coffee again soon, hopefully. Maybe after I catch up on about 30 or 40 more things...

1 comment:

Allison Sangree said...

Hey Christian, remember the pruning comes because you are already being fruitful.
"He prunes every branch that continues to bear fruit, to make it bear more and richer and more excellent fruit." (John 15:2 Amp.)
Encouraging? ...I hope so!