Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I am currently...

... Retouching pictures, checking text messages and email, checking the weather for upcoming shoots, talking on the phone, eating Oreos and reading a book entitled, "The Ragamuffin Gospel." In this crazy day of multi-tasking, I really am trying to slow down and do one thing at a time, but when I have to wait on the computer, I fill the time with other things and try to increase my efficiency.

Anyway, here's a good quote I just read from "The Ragamuffin Gospel." Thought some of you might enjoy...
"Gerald May, a Christian psychiatrist in Washington DC writes: 'Honesty before God requires the most fundamental risk of faith we can take: the risk that God is good, that God does love us unconditionally. It is in taking this risk that we rediscover our dignity. To bring the truth of ourselves just as we are, to God, just as God is, is the most dignified thing we can do in this life.'"

"Lord Jesus, we are silly sheep who have dared to stand before You and try to bribe you with our preposterous portfolios. Suddenly we have come to our senses. We are sorry and ask You to forgive us. Give us the grace to admit we are ragamuffins, to embrace our brokenness, to celebrate Your mercy when we are at our weakest, to rely on Your mercy no matter what we may do. Dear Jesus, gift us to stop grandstanding and trying to get attention, to do the truth quietly without display, to let the dishonesties in our lives fade away, to accept our limitations, to cling to the gospel of grace, and to delight in Your love. Amen."


Anonymous said...

Great post. I always enjoy reading about what you are learning and experiencing.
God – our heavenly Father truly has been so misrepresented. As a dad I know you can relate to the fact we try to accurately represent the heart of God in our fatherhood but in our hearts we know how far short we fall. Our misrepresentations then help form our children’s understanding of the Heavenly Father. It’s great to know that if we seek Him he will reveal Himself to us in all His glory and goodness.

Anonymous said...

I too pray that we will know who we are and who He is.(True, this brings dignity)
Thank you for sharing so we can be also blessed.
How wonderful to be the sheep of such a loving caring Shepherd!
I love ya!

Anonymous said...

So glad to know that being a ragamuffin is a good thing!

Anonymous said...

Great post, Christian. Good reminder when life seems overwhelming. Love ya.