Thursday, March 01, 2007

Wildfire at Woodvine

Coming home from work today, I saw smoke billowing from our neighborhood. It was just getting going, so I ran home and changed quickly and then headed over to help put it out. There were already a lot of people there helping, but I did what I could and then took some pictures before heading home.

The fire was apparently caused from someone flicking a lit cigarette butt out of their car window. It was a windy day and with the dry grass grown up in this field, conditions were perfect for a fire. I see people toss lit cigarettes out their windows all the time. People, think! I wish you'd stop doing that. Nobody lost their home today, but a lot of damage was done to fences and property in people's yards.

Just about a week ago, I called 911 to report the tag of someone tossing a lit cigarette out of their car window and into a pile of dry grass just about a mile from our neighborhood. The mayor set up a special hotline number last year to call if anyone sees someone toss a smouldering cigarett butt onto the ground, but I don't think it's in service still.

Sometimes people can be SO stupid.


SES said...

How'd you load 15 pics in one blog entry? (good pics, btw =)

Allison Sangree said...

WOW! Hard to believe! Good pics!
I have a really good friend who was burned severely at 4yrs old, by playing with matches. She managed to get the match lit and when it started to burn her fingers she dropped it onto her dress and soon she was a living torch. She was telling us the story last night that the Dr's said she would not have lived had she been any older. She spent 98 days in the hospital and has had 20+ surgeries. Her life is amazing! I'd really love you guys to meet her and her husband Craig someday.

Anonymous said...

Quite the conflagration! I'm glad no houses were destoryed!