Friday, May 11, 2007

The Smoking Tree

I captured this photo literally just moments after the rain stopped this afternoon and the sun pierced the clouds. Five seconds later, the tree stopped steaming like this...

It was amazing to have been there at precisely that moment with camera ready in hand. We were there shooting a high-school senior but were in between locations when I spotted it.

Click on the picture to see a larger version of it where you can see the steam better. Hope you enjoyed the photo!

Thanks for stopping by!


SES said...

awesome shot bro

Vicki & Bruce said...

Great picture, Christian, but so sorry to hear you are shooting high-school seniors now!

Christian said...

Yes, the gardens are a great place to shoot people. =)

Anonymous said...

Quiet the shot. I always said you were a good shooter. Purple green and yellows in an interesting composition, you could win a photo contest with that shot.

Vicki & Bruce said...

O.K. Christian, the smoking tree is great, but surely something else is happening in your life! Just teasing you, of course! I know what it is like to be busy!

Christian said...

Why am I not receiving email notification of comments on any of my blogs? (This is a test =)