Tuesday, May 22, 2007

New Zip Code

Hey, we're not moving, but the Post Office, bless their hearts, have created a new zip code for us since our area is growing so much. It's going to be 73012 effective July 1, 2007. Just wanted to let everyone know!


Manature said...

Hi Christian,

Are you sure you are 250 years old? If so, I would like to share that the the Guiness Book of World Records (refer to profile).

Actually just dropping by to thank you for leaving a comment in my post Customizing your blog and your kind words. I have responded to your comment, but I am not sure you are going to like the test result. Also, waiting to let me know when you have seen the test result.

Peter (Blog*Star 2006 and 2007)
Blogger Tips and Tricks

Manature said...

Hi Christian,

I have responded to your second comment in my post Customizing your blog

Peter a.k.a. enviroman
Enviroman Says
(floods in England, polar ice and ice caps at moutain peaks melting, I think more severe and frequent hurricanes in US, rain when it is supposed to be a dry season in my country, someone from Queensland recently contacted me if I noticed the weather changing. I replied when I was young I had to sleep under the blanket, but now I sleep topless. If I remembered, he said it is freezing in tropical Queensland and now he has to sleep under a blanket. Please folks, take good care of our one and only Spaceship Earth which have no lifeboat. It may not affect us severely now, but it has every chance of severely affecting our future generations. Then they will have lots to be "thankful to us)