Thursday, May 24, 2007

Blog Step-Child

Since we have a blog for the kiddos and one for photograpy, this blog has become somewhat of a red-headed step-child. That's really a terrible analogy. I never really thought about that one before.

Okay, anyway, I'm going to start posting more about us personally on the Prints Charming blog, which you can find here (Edmond, Oklahoma Photographers)

I hope you'll swing by from time to time and check out what we've been up to. My entire personal life is tied up in photography. Many days I work on it from the hour I wake up until the hour I go to bed, so I think it will be a good fit to have that blog become more personable as well as professional. I just posted a good personal blog on it this morning, so if you have time, go check it out.

Many thanks to all 3 of my regular readers. =)


SES said...

So are you discontinuing this one?

Christian said...

Well, I'm planning to as much as possible post to the Prints Charming blog more than this one. I haven't decided yet whether to discontinue this one altogether. There may be times when I'd rather post here than PCP due to the really personal or sensitive nature of a particular post, but I can't think of anything right now that I want to post here. I guess I'll play it by ear and see how it goes.

Allison Sangree said...

I guess I'm the 3rd person =) and oh, thanks for the personal note about eliminating the parenthesis - you really can't take anything for granted with me.
BUT.. I'll have you know that when you come to visit, you are going to have to ask ME how to get wireless access for your PC. Ha!