Thursday, September 28, 2006

Vehicle Changes Pending

Looks like we have at least 2, if not 3 vehicle changes coming up in the near future. My '97 Miata is no longer practical, despite being the most fun vehicle I've ever driven. Holly's '99 Explorer XLT has more seats than my Miata and my Aprilia motorcycle put together. =) With baby #2 on the way, priorities are changing and safety is more of an issue than ever before.

That said, we'll probably sell the Miata for something 4 door, quiet and nice enough to wear a suit in. =) We'll probably sell the Aprilia to help pay for a newer '04 Explorer that we're going to be buying in a couple of weeks. Holly's Aunt is buying a new car and she always gives the rest of the family first dibs on buying her older vehicle for whatever the dealer would offer for trade-in value on it. It's more than we've ever spent on a vehicle before, but we're excited at the prospect of an '04 with leather and better safety features than the '99 we have currently.

Anybody interested in a tricked out Miata for a good deal? Or an '01 Aprilia RST 1000? =)


How cool is Facebook? If you haven't used it, you wouldn't know, but it really is cool. I'm used to MySpace and Blogger now, but Facebook in just one short day has outdone the other two easily. What a great networking tool! You can tell how you know each of your friends... You can see in one place a little news feed of what all of your friends are up to. You can invite friends to events and keep up with who's coming, who's not and the "maybes" even.

Up until now, it's just been for college students, and they've been telling us how much better it is than anything the rest of us have. =) Well, they just decided to open it up to the general public and it really is cool. Check it out at and see for yourself!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Popular Oklahoma Joke

Holly and I got a good laugh this morning when we read this. If you're a Longhorn fan, you need read no further. Let the trash-talk begin!

A first grade teacher explains to her class that she is a Texas Longhorn fan. She asks her students to raise their hands if they are Texas fans too. Not really knowing what a Texas fan was, but wanting to be liked by their teacher, their hands fly into the air. There is, however, one exception.

A little girl named Janet has not gone along with the crowd. The teacher asks her why she has decided to be different. "Because I'm not Texas fan" she reports.

"Then," asks the teacher, "what are you?"

"I'm a proud Oklahoma University Boomer Sooner fan," boasts the little girl.

The teacher is a little perturbed now, her face slightly red. She asks Janet why she is an Oklahoma fan.

"Well, my Dad and Mom are Sooner fans, so I'm a Sooner fan too," she responds.

The teacher is angry now. "That's no reason," she says loudly. "What if your mom was a moron and your dad was an idiot? What would you be then?"

Janet smiles and says, "Then I'd be a Texas fan."

Boomer Sooner!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Pastor Paul Sangree

I thought this was unusual... How many Pastor Paul Sangree's could there possibly be? That's my grandfather's name and he was a pastor for years and years. And yet, here's another by the very same name and title:

Friday, September 08, 2006

It was so hot...

...that it took 3 weeks to get our digital pictures back! =) Here's one of us trying to act like we can't take the heat:

And here's one where we're just being our happy, fun selves.

As you can see, I took it with my camera-phone. Not too bad!

"Fondue, like it's 1980"

With the growing popularity of "The Melting Pot" restuarant, fondue is coming back. Holly and I went to the Melting Pot with Freddy & Al a couple of weekends ago and had a great time. They charge an arm and a leg to get the 3 course fondue dinner, but it was fun and, of course, a great experience. We rolled out of the restaurant and still brought a couple of dinners worth of leftovers home with us. Turns out, all you really need is the cheese fondue and you'll be stuffed. =)

We enjoyed it so much, that Holly looked up some fondue recipies online and found one that was supposed to be the same or as good as the cheese we had at the melting pot. It was great! She put baby swiss and havardi (sp?) cheeses in, with some white wine and some apple brandy. (Didn't know we had so much alcohol around, did you? =) Well, that's what the recipe called for, so we did it. And let me tell you, it was delish. We intended to do chocolate fondue dessert, but we're still too full to consider it. Maybe in another hour or so. It's Friday night, so there's no telling how late dessert may be served. =)

Tomorrow brings with it another wedding photography opportunity to work with Rodrick. I'm looking forward to it. The couple is from Sacramento, CA, actually, but they're marrying here... I guess she went to school here and her parents live here, maybe? They promise to be a fun group and I'm looking forward to it. Wedding photography is a very long gig each time, but it's a lot of fun if you can connect with the group and get into the fun and festivities with them (and I always do!).

Last night we saw "V for Vendetta" and enjoyed it. For some reason, we thought it was going to be more sci-fi, but it wasn't (thankfully). I liked the underlying theme that "government should be afraid of the people, and not the people afraid of their government." Of course, in true theatrical style, the 'hero' goes way overboard, killing people and blowing stuff up. Makes for a more enjoyable movie, though, I suppose. Tonight we have a culturally diverse faire of either "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" or "Fantastic Four." Not sure either will be able to keep our attention (or keep us awake) but I'd like to at least start both of them. =)

Thanks for reading and for tolerating my liberal use of the smiley faces. Next up... pictures from my cell phone. Time to download and get them properly published. =)

Monday, September 04, 2006

Sean's Visit

We're having a great time with my brother Sean. He came to visit last Wednesday and today's his last full day with us here. We got to enjoy some great Trinidad roti down in Norman, (Yes! There's a second Trinidadian restaurant nearby!) we played Ultimate twice and have spent countless hours hanging at our house and catching up on life. Last night was our ice cream fest and Sean finished off his Ben & Jerry's NYSFC ("New York Super Fudge Chunk" for all of you non-Sangree's out there) for breakfast this morning. No wonder he didn't feel like eating one of Holly's delicious omlettes.

Today we're heading down to Holly's parents' home for a Labor Day get-together: volleyball, steaks or burgers on the grill, maybe even some dodgeball. =) Should be fun. Holly's Dad is a grill master, so whatever he makes will be awesome. We actually had steaks on Saturday when we went down to watch the OU football game with them (we don't have cable).

The weather has finally broken here. We had four weeks - maybe more - of 100+ degree days. Even overnight, the temp wouldn't drop below like 85. Today's high is calling for 80 degrees and overnight it's dropping to the 60's. Man, I love that weather. Feels like Fall and like football.

Looks like we're going to be upgrading Explorers for Holly in the next 6 weeks or so. We helped her Aunt Dixie buy a new Freestyle (which is on order still) and when that gets in, we'll be buying her '04 and selling Holly's '99. The dealers won't even give full trade-in value on Explorers these days with fuel prices as high as they are and people becoming more fuel economy conscious.

The old Miata is getting retired soon, too. Doing more driving at work (sales and marketing), the Miata has become inconvenient. It's just not a suit-and-tie car and it's too loud to even talk on the phone while driving. It's definitely the most fun car I've ever owned, but it's time to get something with more than 2 seats and doors and a little more practical for work. So, we'll probably make a change in my car in the next several weeks as well. I'm actually considering selling the Aprilia motorcycle as well. Maintenance is kind of a hassle. I just can't do it all myself and the nearest dealer is up in Tulsa.

That's the news for now. Thanks for reading!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

It's A Girl (probably)

Hey, I almost forgot... we found out on Wednesday that from the ultrasound it looks like we're having a girl! Due in late January. Thought you'd like to know. =)

New Song: "Brand New Day"

I heard a new song today on one of our MySpace friends' pages. It's called "Brand New Day," by Forty Foot Echo. Have a listen here if you like. It has a great sound. Can't speak to the lyrics yet, since it takes me forever to sit down and listen to the lyrics. I listen so intently to the music that I never really listen to the lyrics. Not sure why.

Anyway, this song fits in with a strange narrow little genre that I find myself enjoying. Mellow songs done by really hard bands. "Run," by Snow Patrol and so many other favorites of mine fit in the same genre. Kinda interesting.

Welp, gotta run. My brother's visiting us and he just got back from a ride on my Aprilia motorcycle.