Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lightbulbs - filament up or down?

We have under-cabinet low-voltage lighting, and the replacement bulbs have a little blue painted dot on one side, indicating an install orientation. Problem is, nobody until now has been able to tell me which way to orient the dot.
12-volt, 10-watt xenon bulbs for under-cabinet lighting

I decided to write the company and inquire, and they informed me that the dot should go up. That has the filament dangling in a downward position.

I'd love to know why, if you have any hypotheses about it -- or even better, actual knowledge of it! =)

So, if you have a system like ours (which features 12-volt, 10-watt rigid-loop xenon bulbs, or the like), there you have it! Install with the filaments hanging down, and the painted spot pointed up!

P.S. Yes, it's been over 3 years since I last posted on this blog, but I figured if I couldn't find this information anywhere, there must be others looking for it, as well, and it should be documented.